Report an adverse reaction

Notification of side effect

Side  effect of a medicinal product is understood as each adverse and unintentional effect of the product.

Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne LEK-AM  Sp. z o.o. collects all information referring to the safety of its medicinal products, registers and monitors it. Such an attitude results from our interest in a patient’s health and safety as well as care for the conformance of our activities with relevant Polish and European law regulations.

We request for notifying us about any observed side effect of a medicine and information of the safety of using a medicinal product from LEK-AM’s portfolio:


By mail: print the form, complete it and send to:

Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne LEK-AM  Sp. z o.o.

Aleja Jana Pawła II 80, 00-175 Warsaw



By fax: print the form, complete it and send to:

+48 22 4644572


In the event of any doubts  about notifying side effects, please contact us at +48 22 46 44 570


You can also report any side effects directly on the site using the form below.

Details of reporting person
please provide your full name and contact details (e.g. phone/e-mail/address)

Patient information
please give the patient's initials, gender and/or age

Description of the event *
(if applicable)
(including when use began)
(e.g. past medical history, chronic illnesses, allergies)

We will review your submission and a LEK-AM representative may contact you for additional information.

* mandatory fields
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